Resonator – cap. I
Paolo Cavinato
31 March - 26 June 2015
With RESONATOR, The Flat – Massimo Carasi introduces a new group of works created by Paolo Cavinato during his six-month sojourn in Shanghai. In this first chapter a series of hand carved forms cut into special paper by the artist, and a large environmental sculpture titled "Protection", are presented to the public for the first time. Here, the preceding concept of activating a physical space in the observer’s memory using a web of nylon thread is replaced by a large metal structure composed of intersecting segments, which describe a modular space and contain its original nucleus. To simultaneously occupy space and contain it, expanding the size of an object while limiting the range of its contours, are the core principles Protection. Convertible Sculpture. The sculpture adapts to the size of a habitable nucleus by confining its dimensions to the spatial limits of a room, however, when located in an open air environment, it can expand indefinitely, extending and amplifying its reach like a sonar signal. The artist’s recent stay in China – where he lived in close contact with the disconcerting architectural panorama of Shanghai – stimulated Cavinato to produce mesmerizing multi-coloured drawings and paper carvings typical of the Oriental tradition, adding a new element to his continually evolving artistic language.
The Flat - Massimo Carasi - via Paolo Frisi, 3 - Milano 20129 - ITALY
+39 (0)2 58313809 - theflat-carasi@libero.it - www.carasi.it
1 - Protection #2  -  Resonator-cap.I  (The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015) 2 - Protection #2 - Resonator-cap.I (The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015) 3 - Protection #2 - Resonator-cap.I (The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015) 4 - Protection #2 - Resonator-cap.I (The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015) 5 - Protection #2 - Resonator-cap.I (The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015)
6 - Protection #2 - Resonator-cap.I (The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015) 7 - Protection #2 - Resonator-cap.I (The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015) 8 - Protection #2 (detail) 9 - Protection #2 (detail) 10 - Resonator-cap.I - The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015
11 - Resonator-cap.I - The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015 12 - Resonator-cap.I - The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015 13 - Seal, China #1 - Resonator-cap.I (The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015) 14 - Resonator-cap.I - The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015 15 - Resonator-cap.I - The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015
16 - Resonator-cap.I - The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015 17 - Seal, Gold #1 - Resonator-cap.I (The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015) 18 - Resonator-cap.I - The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015 19 - Destino - Resonator-cap.I (The Flat Massimo Carasi, Milan 2015)