2002 Di-stanze, Black cube project, Spazio Malacarne, Verona
2002 eterotopie, Casa di Rigoletto, Mantua
2001 Lo Spazio Vuoto - Immagini Suoni Elementi, Villa Balestra, Rodigo (IT)
wood, paper, plexiglas, metal and water
70 x 70 x 80h cm + 120h cm base
The reconstruction of a bedroom made of paper. It contains a bed, a floor made of loose boards, a closed door, layers of wall-paper on the walls, a ceiling of transparent skies dripping one into the other and pouring everything into the underlying room. A multiplicity of sounds and lights; an ever-changing buzz in the background that spreads in the external environment as well. A slow inexorable transformation. A total sensory experience.
I tried to understand how we live our space – our “corner of the world” – how we put down roots according to the dialectic oppositions of life. As a matter of fact, before being “thrown into the world”, every individual is placed in the cradle of home. Everyone of us needs to rebuild this intimate space, letting it emerge from our own memories. After all, the home where we were born is physically inside of us: it is a set of organic habits.
The bed: a wrapping of transformation; an intimate space; the big cradle, in which each person wakes up to be rapidly thrown into the world.
The intensified centre of space; the unity of space, time and action; a sort of niche, from which everything has originated.
Each corner of a house, each corner of a room, each enclosed space where to curl up and huddle represents an imaginary privacy, that is to say, the germ of a room, the germ of a home. In this corner we can recall memories in silence. The first value that we perceive is its immobility. «The corner is a sort of half-box, half-wall and half-door». The corner also means wait. There is no emptiness since there are two (sometimes merged) geometric realities. The function of home-living combines fullness and emptiness. «The existence fills the gaps and the corners are crowded with images».